Daycase Hip & Knee Replacement

Daycase Hip & Knee Replacement

Hip and knee replacement operations usually involve one night in hospital following the procedure. On occasion, a second night may be needed.

If you are generally fit and well, you may be offered the choice of going home on the day of surgery, as a “daycase”.

The benefits of a Daycase approach are:

  • Less time in hospital
  • Return to your own environment where you have more control over your own recovery
  • A faster return to normal life
  • Less risk of medical complications

Are you suitable for a daycase?

You will be offered the choice of a daycase operation if:

  • You will have someone to stay with you overnight
  • You are not on powerful opiate painkillers prior to surgery
  • You are normally independent in your mobility
  • Your general health and fitness are good

Being a daycase is optional and you can choose to stay overnight if you prefer.

What can you expect?

I will identify your suitability and discuss the option of daycase surgery with you during your clinic appointment but you can expect that:

  • You will be pre-assessed closer to the date of surgery where a member of our multi-disciplinary team will explain everything in more detail
  • You will be admitted on the day of surgery and have your operation in the morning
  • You will have either a general anaesthetic or a shorter acting spinal anaesthetic
  • You will be encouraged to drink fluids until you are called to theatre for your operation
  • You will have your hip or knee replacement, which takes just over an hour
  • You will receive medications During your operation to reduce blood loss and control pain after the surgery, and prevent any nausea or vomiting

After the Operation

  • Once back on the ward, you will receive regular pain relief and be given a light lunch
  • The nursing and physiotherapy staff will encourage you to walk with crutches once your sensation has returned to your legs, usually within an hour or two
  • You will be encouraged to change back into your own clothes
  • You will have an X-ray of your new joint
  • Provided your pain is controlled and you are feeling well and you are safely walking, you will walk out of the hospital and be taken home with all the medications that you may need
  • We will contact you at home to check on your progress and help with any issues you may have
  • You will be given a contact number for any questions or problems
  • If you prefer not to go home, or we have any concerns, then you can stay

If you are interested in having a daycase joint replacement, please book in to see me at the most convenient location and time and we will discuss this in person.

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