Conformis Custom Knee Replacement

Conformis Custom Knee Replacement

Conformis iTotal is a bespoke knee replacement designed to maximise function, satisfaction and outcome.

Whilst most modern “off the shelf” knee replacements have very good results, some patients may not be satisfied with their knee.

Problems can arise due to minor inaccuracies in alignment, resulting in residual pain from incorrect rotation, subtle instability or soft tissue impingement.

Conformis iTotal is a bespoke knee replacement designed to maximise function, satisfaction and outcome.

Whilst most modern “off the shelf” knee replacements have very good results, some patients may not be satisfied with their knee.

Problems can arise due to minor inaccuracies in alignment, resulting in residual pain from incorrect rotation, subtle instability or soft tissue impingement.

Standard “off the shelf” knee replacements require a patients’ bone to be cut to fit the prosthetic implants. The “off the shelf” implants are chosen during the operation, from a number of standard mass manufactured sizes. Surgeons aim to match the chosen implant size to the patients’ bone as closely as possible but it is common for a patients’ bones to be between two sizes, and so a compromise is made meaning the knee replacement implants may be slightly too big or too small for the patient’s bones. A mismatch of even a few millimetres can lead to under-coverage or overhanging which can lead to pain.

Conformis is designed to address these leading causes of patient dissatisfaction by customising the fit of the knee implants exactly matching the patient’s bones. It does this by generating a 3-dimensional printed model of every patients own knee taken from a CT scan. The CT data is sent to Conformis and this model is used to manufacture the custom knee implants to fit the patients anatomy perfectly. This allows the operation to be planned in advance, and custom anatomical cutting blocks (which are used to accurately remove the correct geometrical amount of bone) are also 3D printed and delivered with the custom implants. The alignment is pre-determined and there are fewer intra-operative decisions to make.

What are the results of Conformis?

Patients say that it feels more like a normal knee, with better function and therefore patient satisfaction rates are higher. You can watch a short video on Conformis and how it works here:

How can I have a Conformis Knee Replacement?

I am trained and accredited by Conformis to perform Conformis surgeries, and can offer these to patients from across Scotland.

I am happy to discuss the options in a consultation in one of my clinics.

What happens?

During the consultation we will discuss the management of your arthritic knee and I will give you the options.

If you choose Conformis, I will arrange a CT scan locally and the data will be sent to Conformis in Boston. They will then model your knee and manufacture the specific cutting blocks and instruments, as well as the bespoke implants. These are then sterilised and sent to the hospital in advance of your operation date.

I will also be able to access the i-View document in advance: this gives an accurate plan of bone resections and implant geometry specific to your knee and allows pre-operative planning and visualisation.

You then have your operation and enjoy the benefits of your bespoke knee replacement.

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